All donations to Etuti Institute are tax-deductible in the USA. (EIN #81-4190910)
If you are an existing donor and you'd like to receive a donation receipt, please email us at
If you are a business, organization, or individual that would like to fund an entire project or program, please visit our Partner with Etuti page.
Option 1 (Preferred, No Fee):
Use Zelle to make a donation to Etuti!
Transfer directly from your bank account to
Option 2 (Also Preferred, No Fee):
Use Zeffy to make a one-time or monthly donation to Etuti!
Option 3:
Use PayPal to make a one-time or monthly donation using the buttons below!
Note: Paypal charges us approximately 3% for transaction fees.
One Time Donation:
Monthly Donation:
Contact us if you have any questions!